Pietro Passarelli

🚀 Web Performance optimization checklist

A checklist to improve web performance of your site, base on a workshop I attended at MozFest a while back

A checklist to improve web performance of your site, base on a workshop I attended at MozFest a while back

Cover photo credit unsplash

Performance checklist

  • ImageOptim
  • (?) | Tool: SpriteCow
  • @import to avoid blocking request
  • <script> tags to the end of the page.
  • defer for analytics library
  • deferred or async (?)
  • animate.css to only include the animations we use

Notes from a MozFest session on web performance

Web performance optimization

1 image formats

Eg SVG for icons and logosJPEG for photosPNG for everything else.

1 a. icon fonts

don’t use it.iconmoon.io eg get zip file from font awesome

2 compress images /optimise images

SVG: SVGOMGSVG/JPEG/PNG: Compressorosx: ImageOptimlinux: trimagewindows: fileOptimizer

3 Use image sprites

Sprites combine images into a single file.CSS code lets you use the images.

Tool: SpriteCow

4 Minify CSS & Javascript

Minifies for CSS and Javascript shorten variable names remove white spaces.Tool: CSS Minifier / Javascript Minifier

5 Concatenate your CSS & Javascript

concat minified CSS and JS improves HTTP request response time, it’s fewer files.

6 avoid CSS @import

Rather use <link> tag which allows you to download in parallel.rather then as a blocking request

7 Move all your <script> tags to the end of the page.

right before tag. because these are sequentially downloaded

8 Mark your javascript as deferred

<script src="script.js" defer></script>

if you only have one script tag. as it ignores the order

async, keeps the order in which they appear

means don’t stop importing the js code, it continue rendering the page

9 Use a CDN

eg cloud fare content distribution network

10 Check your assets

you might not need all the js you are using eg Jquery, might not be needed.

Website: you might not need jquery

check list

- [ ] Compress optimise images`ImageOptim`
- [ ] Image sprite `(?)` | Tool: `SpriteCow`
- [ ] avoid CSS `@import` to avoid blocking request
- [ ] Move `<script>` tags to the end of the page.
- [ ] use `defer` for analytics library
- [ ] Mark your javascript as deferred or async (?)
- [ ] Use a CDN (eg Amazon Cloud front)
- [ ] truncate animate.css to only include the animations we use
- [ ] Further compress Js. Use webpack gzip
- [ ] Check your assets
- [ ] Remove Bootstrap Js & JQuery if not needed
- [ ] Any unused npm packages we can ditch? (and or tree shaking)
- [ ] compress splats
- [ ] Minify CSS
- [ ] Concatenate your CSS
- [ ] Minify Javascript
- [ ] Concatenate your Javascript
- [ ] Consider Removing polyfills for older browsers to reduce size. If not necessary.