Opened Captions Annotated article system
2017 Jul 24 Vox, Open NewsGitHub, GitBook, Url↗ | Youtube
Stack: node, Opened Captions, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS, Git, Javascript,

A rig to make an annotated article leveraging live tv captions, like NPR & Vox.
- gitbook: notes and video of presentation
- blog: "Building an Annotation Tool on a Dime", on Source Open News by Kavya Sukumar - February 14, 2017
- blog: "Annotating President Trump’s inauguration speech", Vox Media Storytelling studio blog - JAN 20, 2017
- slides: "Hands on: Make annotated articles for live fact checking TV speeches! (without writing a single line of code)" Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires Media Party - Sept 14th 2017
- slides: MozzFest workshop slides - Oct 29th, 2017
Also more recently made a working proof of concept for an app to replace the rig, to make it easier for the end user to use without the supervision of a newsroom developer. See screenshot below