Vax project 2016 - IDA, Rethinking Visual Narratives
2016 Jul 13 VoxGitHub, Url↗
Stack: node,

A proof concept built at Vax hackaton
A proof concept built at Vax 2016 (Vox’s hackaton) as part of a Vox team.
It tried to answer the question "What would internet stories look like if newspapers and magazines never existed?"
The idea is that if you had an #
tag for twitter it could give you a visual flow of images shared across a timeline, with a representation of retweets to get a sense of the flow over time. As well as to explore user generated content, where images are manipulated or modified with comments and then re-posted.
Clicking on an image takes you to more details on the source tweet.
Best explained in the slide deck of the project.