autoEdit, digital paper-editing
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Stack: Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Heroku, Git, GitHub,

V1 of autoEdit, an app for fast text based editing of video interviews
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25th March 2015 autoEdit at Hacks/Hackers London Meetup, Twitter.
We have all been there, you got some great interviews and you are finally starting post-production. But no time to paper edit, let alone to work with transcriptions, and crafting the story out of the footage becomes a struggle, like wrestling with a bear.
This is where autoEdit comes in, to simplify and speed-up video editing interviews.
It’s a digital paper editing software. For those less familiar with it, a paper edit is a script made from a selection of lines from the transcriptions of interviews.
With autoEdit, you can analyse your transcripts and mark them with tags
and create a paper edit,
that you can then export as an EDL.
You can then open in the editing software of your choice to reconnect the corresponding video into a sequence,
and finish working on your rough-cut assembly.
For the transcriptions, autoEdit, takes .sbv and .srt subtitles files.
and the suggested workflow is to use youtube semi-automated captioning, to get a first draft of the timecoded transcriptions, that you can then proofread. Google/Youtube is very accurate at putting timecodes at the end of sentences, which is one less thing to do.
Initially prototyped using two ruby scripts to convert from SBV to CSV and from CSV to EDL and using Google Spreedsheet for paper-editing see this post for more on this.
Sign up to find out more and start using autoEdit.