Digital Paper Edit
2019 Mar 22 BBCGitHub, Url↗
Stack: node, react, bootstrap, react-bootstrap, electron, ffmpeg, ffprobe, edl, adl, xml, express,

An open source application to make it faster, easier and more accessible to edit audio and video interviews using automatically generated transcriptions form STT service.

In a complete refactor from the ground up it takes the concept (and some of the modules) of autoEdit2, and the idea of a modular architecture a bit further by allowing users to
- add custom labels and highlights
- search and filter by speakers and labels
- as well as adding more options for export (eg
for SADiE audio editor and.fcpxml
for FCPX, along side.edl
) - Uses BBC video context component to display a preview of the programme script
- further flashes out the elemnents available to create a programme script from interview transcripts
- uses
component to allow users to correct transcripts generated via STT (speech to text).
You can either try out the cross platform electron application by following these instructions or play around with the dummy demo to explore the interface.
In it's current version, my forks of BBC Digital Paper Edit are now the version of autoEdit3 I currently maintain.